Hello Pilgrim book lovers. It's been a busy month and we are back in the thick of things. The library has been buzzing as we've been reading books about kindness and acceptance and talking about the way we treat each other. Upper elementary read Have you filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud which discusses all the ways people can fill our happiness buckets; and what we can do to fill others. Students were then given their own buckets and filled them with their ideas like being kind to others, helping someone in need and standing up to bullies. Our lower elementary read The Kindness Book by Todd Parr which reminds younger readers that no matter what others choose to do you can always choose to be kind.
The library is also excited to announce that we will be having an author visit on October 4th. Acclaimed author Gail Lerner will be visiting with our 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes and sharing her first novel The Big Dreams of Small Creatures. The novel is an inspiring and whimsical tale that reminds us that even the smallest creatures can make a very large impact. Our students are sure to relate to and be inspired by this amazing story. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Please look out for a form to order signed copies of the book before October 4th.