Welcome back Pilgrim book lovers to another fabulous year in your library. Library classes begin this week and it's been wonderful to see you all again and to enjoy reading some awesome stories together. There are a lot of new happenings in the library and some exciting events coming up. Firstly, we are very happy to announce that the Middle and High School library, also known as the ARC is open as of today!! The ARC is a great space for quiet study, reading, and checking out the amazing research databases that the library provides. It's been great seeing you guys in there and bringing life back to the space.
This week our lower elementary read Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt. It tells the tale of a squirrel who is scared of everything and never leaves his tree. He loves the safety of his tree but begins to get bored doing the same routine every day. One day something out of the ordinary happens and it forces our little squirrel to leave the tree and that's when the magic happens. Students related to being scared to be in a new grade or start a new year at school. Our upper elementary read First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg which tells the story of someone who is scared to start their first day of school. They are worried that they won't know anyone and that they wont fit in. The narrator keeps the identity of the protagonist a secret until the end. The reveal is fun and reminds us that we are all the same. Enjoy discussing these titles with your little's tonight.
